Friday, July 28, 2006

Tech News...

Intel releases Core 2 Duo:
Gist: Your computer with two "brains" + better performance + low power consumption. This release will push the prices down for the current products from INTEL and AMD so it's either wait for the machines with Core 2 Duo to be standardized all around or buy the "older" systems for cheap. Competition is King for consumers (if the companies aren't a cartel).

I might upgrade in the future with this core, my desktop is about two years old already. But then again I'll probably wait for window vista and see what CPU will be good to run it.

Firefox users be sure to patch up:
Gist: Mozilla rolled out updates to patch FireFox which is said to have eight "critical" flaws. I've actually removed FireFox now as I don't see any point in maintaining two browsers which have to be patched from time to time.


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